
Unwanted By:
Linda lead 16 years of her miserable life as Nakusa and everything changes when she was sold by her father to a stranger.
She was told that she is the soon to be bride of junior Wilson and she finds everything too good to be true. When she knows about the curse on the Wilson's family, she understands that she was being used.
Once again she finds in a mess, What will she do? Is there any hope for her or for her sisters who depend on her?

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When you will write more..............

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Great story!

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Please let me know when you add more chapters, this book is very interesting. Love your choice of characters. or put in mail box

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PLEASE WRITE MORE!!! sorry for the caps,lol! I finished reading it and I enjoyed it a lot! Now, I can't wait for more <333 Don't ever stop writing this!

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The Story is going on. Still it is not complete. I am waiting for that.

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