Schwäbische Maultaschen

Küchenmeister Heinz D. Siemer By:
User: heinzy43
Schwäbische Maultaschen

Wir in Deutschland lieben Maultaschen, einen echten Schwabenklassiker, der aus der deutschen Küche nicht mehr wegzudenken ist. Die kleinen Taschen werden aus Nudelteig hergestellt und mit einer Farce aus Spinat, Zwiebeln, Brät und getrocknetem Brot gefüllt. 

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Provincetown, MA

The trump-Sessions sadistic vindictiveness and hypocrisy is astounding. Why
has Sessions not been held fully accountable, fired and locked up for lying
repeatedly under oath to Congress? How about the most prolific liar in history
now residing in the people's house? How much worse does it have to get before
he is fired?

Too bad no one has come up with a deck of cards with trump and his associates
like we did with... Show more

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