Demon in the Snow
A dark alley, several guys, one girl, and a bad feeling. In a world where demons feast freely on human souls, an organization fights on the frontline to protect not only the human world, but their own as well. The rules are simple: no human can see demons, therefore no human will be purposefully made aware of their existence. But if a human does become aware of their existence, then measures must be taken to ensure their silence- the cheaper and more permanment solution, the better.

So what happens when one of the slayers has befriended a human by the name of Nathan Hitagashi, a senior-year, part-time mechanic? Especially when they see the demonic mark on his back, a Mark that all demons share.

Choosing allies in a world that he only recently learned about, Nathan Hitagashi must learn to survive this new realm by hiding just how different he really is from the others as he tries to learn more about his missing parents and the circumstances surrounding his father's disappearance years ago.

Survival soon becomes the least of his problems.

complete story

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Gwinevere Keethley



Really good job on this book. I couldn't stop reading it at all, even though it's past midnight... Heheh... O_O Anyway, PLEASE tell me when you've made the second book!!!

Heather Fledderus (geordiriker)

Thank you very much. I will make sure you get a heads-up :)

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It's funny how I only read this book out of all the others... and it got an honorable mention. Good Job Bro. I'm gonna be a secret competitor of yours ;)

Heather Fledderus (geordiriker)

bring it on :P


Oh, I will. Are you going to do the Sci-fi contest?

Heather Fledderus (geordiriker)

You bet. Although, when it comes down to it, I'd take second or third place over first any day of the week. but first place has a pretty sweet prize too.

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This is really interesting - it moves really fast and the idea is original - I'm wondering where you got your inspiration from? My guess would be Anime?

1 Comment
Heather Fledderus (geordiriker)

got it in one. my friend introduced me to her favorite manga, which in turn resulted in my sudden fascination with both manga and anime

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Sora, from final fantasy and kingdom hearts lol.

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oh btw, I know you'll probably hate me for asking this, but can you check out some of my books? I've noticed that you seem pretty accomplished as a young writer, and I think i'll be very gratefull if someone like you could check em' out. (Most of my books are short stories,... Show more

Heather Fledderus (geordiriker)

sure- and don't worry about lengthier stories- this is actually the first one I stuck to through till the end.


Thanks Lol

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Hey, update me the next time you add more to this! I have been keeping an eye on it, I love this book. :3

Heather Fledderus (geordiriker)

yes, I have another chapter that just needs to be spellchecked and corrected before it gets posted some time in the next 24 hours. I will definitely let you know when I update it.

Heather Fledderus (geordiriker)

chapter 16 is up and running. 17 is half on the computer half in my head as I type this. enjoy


:D I will, thanks

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Write some more please, I'd really like to know what exactly 'is' a reformed demon. ;)

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