Daddy's Little Girl Is A Tomboy

There ain't no pretty little girl here... By:
Daddy's Little Girl Is A Tomboy
I can kick a football to the end field. I can hunt down a eight point buck. I can touch mud and not shrivel up and die. I do not paint my nails. I do not play with pom poms. I have never had barbie dolls. I Am A Tomboy.

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more please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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This is so me! I'm a tomboy, too. Don't paint nails, never had a barbie doll and I love to jump in mud and get myself all muddy! I don't play with pompoms either. I'm more of a soccer and american football player. I don't say oh my gawd when friends are gossiping. I hang out with skaters more than girls. I have a skateboard, too. And I hate the color pink!

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