
Quasi-Absurd Theatre For Very Absurd Times By:

A one-act play in which four characters fall down the financial ladder over the course of dinner. Inspired by works by Beckett and Sartre, though not strictly Absurdist or Existentialist (hence the term "quasi-absurd").

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FinanCea$e :intriguing piece, Incognito. It conjures up the theater of Ionesco (whom I knew personally since we were both jurors in a literary prize), at the same time, things disappearing from the table and elsewhere evokes a restaurant here in Paris, where you eat in total darkness, like blind people. Bravo and take care

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I just have to say, this was great!
You really have a future. For real, keep it up, I'm glad to be friends with a person on this site with such talent!

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Hi Susanna,
Heh heh, Roque inspired by someone else, which I have edited out of this post so as to leave it to the reader's imagination. Roque symbolizes many things, possibly some of which I didn't think of myself. :) Emir was an allusion to the concept of an Arab/Persian prince, but not a direct reference to anyone in particular. Though I like your suggestion very, very much!

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Is Roque Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke? I liked the references to the desert. Now if the Emir is the leader of Dubai, you could add in something about living in an abandoned sand castle in the Gulf!

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Thank you very much for the feedback. For those who found it wordy, could you please let me know if the wordiness is in the stage direction (my guess) vs. the dialogue? I don't think I can modify my entry until after the BOW voting is completed, but will try to make edits for concision afterward.

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Hello Incognito,
I intercepted your signal, and wanted to commend you on the programming. I think that Roque is an evil robot. Good luck in the contest!

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I liked the sequence which highlighted the 'change in times'. The conversation between characters nicely illustrated this change in priorities. Good piece of story telling which flowed!

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