A comprehensive guide on how to care, feed, train, groom, health, house hedgehog and guidelines to raising them as pets By:

Pet hedgehogs have grown in popularity over the last few years, and rightfully so. Though they aren’t the cuddly kind of pet (due to their spiny exterior), these cute critters are fun and offer a different kind of fulfilling pet experience.

They are known to originate in some areas in Europe, Asia, and Africa, hedgehogs received their name from how they look and where they like to hang out. Their nose resembles that of a pig, or a hog, and they’re often found in the hedges of shrubs and trees.

Historically, the ancient Romans were the first to domesticate hedgehogs. But the modern domestication of hedgehogs only took off in the 1980s. Many breeds of hedgehogs today are hybrids, the most well-known being the African pygmy hedgehog.

This book will show you how to keep up with the animal’s high exercise demands, and how to assess and work with your individual hedgehog’s unique personality. You’ll learn which toys and treats they especially love, what things to avoid, and how to co-ordinate a nocturnal animal’s ideal schedule with your day to day activities.
In this guide you will also learn how to feed, care, grooming, Handling, Health Needs, housing, safety and security tips and guide on how to raise hedgehogs as pets.



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