The Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly Effect
Jamie Dutton is a seventeen year old girl. She goes home one day to discover that over the summer she will get to go to California for 2 months! But, there's a catch, she has to go with her father's, bosses, daughter, Kara and Kara's boy friend Todd. While there she finds her self rooming with guys instead! That's when Jamie meets Landon. Landon is a bad boy player who had an abusive past and still has some trust issues. And when he meets Jamie, he doesn't know what to do. Does he love her?

Romance, Teen, Boy, summer
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Its been so long when are you going to update this pleaseeeee x

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thanks for updating it! i luv it! can u update more and can u update revenge ;) too? thanks!

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I really love the book, I just have one question. Why didyou name it the butterfly effect?

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