The Vampires' Servant

The Vampires' Servant
Mandi wasn't always a human servant to vampires. Once she was a completely ordinary human girl. But one rainy night when she is cornered by them, they find out about her "special" power. She has the ability to see every person's unique blood type. No, I'm not talking AB+, A+, B-, or O type blood here. I'm talking about ability blood. Every person's blood gives a vampire a certain ability. Some are more common like the ability to run faster than the speed of light or incredible strength, but others are rarer, like immunity to religious items and control over animals. When the vampires find out she has this ability, they decide to turn her into their little ability detector under threat of her life and her family’s life. Will Mandi ever be able to escape the endless cycle of violence that has taken over her life?

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plz continue! I can't wait for the next chapter! :D

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please finish this .. i've read it 3 times now && i wanna read more.

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Review - Excellent start to a good story. I like your writing style. Needs a tad bit of edit, but you are a natural story teller. I would love to read the rest of this story when you have it finished. Robynn

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Wow, thanks for all the nice comments! I'm not sure when I'm going to update, but when I do I'll be sure to let you guys know! :)

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luv it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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