Magic Wings

It's not luck, its magic By:
Magic Wings

Oriel Collins is a young sorceress, born with powers that were passed down to her from her parents. Like any other sixteen year- old girl she wants to experiment with her given gift, however her parents don’t want any of that. Really, she only has to abide by ONE strict rule, though, which is: use no magic powers for anything except extreme emergences. Reason? She can’t yet fully control her powers, and unpredictable things can happen if she violates that rule.

But Oriel wants to play a little rebellious, so she begins to hatch a plan to use her powers for her own devices. She wants to make the hottest boy in school—Noah Jackson—fall in love with her. But when out of nowhere an angel—Seth—appears, claiming to be her Heaven-sent guardian, everything goes horribly wrong. Oriel winds up making her best friend Jacob fall in love with her, and Noah fall in love with Jacob.

Now how will she undue this disaster? The answer is inside the book!

This Book is Part of a Series "Magic Wings"
All Books in this Series:
Magic Wings
It's not luck, its magic
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1 Comment

Come on when's the next story, it it has been updated let me know cause this is one of the best and interesting stories I've read here, I need to read it like right now if possible. If you're into stories like these you should tots tylry my new story Revenge on the chase 1-3

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PLEASE update asap. i can't wait to know who the boy is!!

1 Comment

Working on the next chapters hope to update soon but Im not sure when it will be up ^o^

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very nice i enjoyed it so much. thanks for the update and update soon again.

1 Comment

Thank you very much, I appreciate your comment ^.^ And hopefully I will be updating quicker than last time.

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Deleted User

I was reading the blurb, and when I got to "and Noah fall in love with Jacob" I yelled, "OH MY GOODNESS NO" XD I have two friends named Noah and Jacob, so now I'm just thinking about them tbh. Which makes it all the more hilarious.
Oooorieeel~ You know you wanna go watch Noah change~ (no but don't do that that's creepy omg)

Oh Jacob you devious motherfucker.
Noah seems like a douchebag. DON'T FALL FOR HIM, ORIEL. LIKE JACOB. L I... Show more

1 Comment

Thank you so much, I literally burst out laughing when you said you have two friends called Noah and Jacob O.O

I should be working on this book in the holidays that are coming, fingers crossed we have no homework >.<

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Deleted User

good!!! aww...please write more...


Trying to

Deleted User

u should,,,u r an amazing writer... hope to see more from u.

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