She's Mine

When you don't even recognize you... By:
User: Fay
She's Mine

The arms around me felt familiar. I turned around so fast that i thought I broke my neck. Mr. Sexy was smirking at me with a lustful look in his eyes. His grip got even tighter on my waist...


NOT FINISHED YET. I didn't finish the book because I wanted to see if you guys like the book so I can write more. Leave hearts and comments and enjoy the book!!!!

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Christiana Hinojosa

Please update this book I want to know what happens I know this story is not finished yet. Please update...

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please continue

1 Comment

I will be updating She's Mine soon, today, but that's not a promise. I do promise that I will be updating soon. Writing 2 books is a bit hard, but I will finish these books. Thanks for reading!

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Great update . Omg I really want to know what happens after like how does the cash register girl know her.Please update

1 Comment

I loveeeee that you want to know!!!!!! The reason why I didn't finish chapter 6 is because I had to go somewhere. I am updating now!!! You will be reading the rest of chapter 6 later on today

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Seraph Wedd

Great story! The cliches are immersive and the story flow is clear. I can't wait for the continuation. ^_^


Thank You so, very much. I love hearing how the readers like my book! Enjoy the rest of the book which I am working on now!!!

Seraph Wedd

Read the continuation. Did Liz's personality change? Or is it only me... Well, other than that, it was great. Looking forward for the rest. XD


You'll just have to see about that and as always, I love that you are loving the book :)

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Hi guys, I am new writer and please don't be so hard on me, this is the first book I've posted on this website. I the writers on here and especially the stories they write. Please leave hearts and comments!!!


This book i really good I hope u update soon. Is this book about wolfs, mates, and alphas.


Yes, I will be updating soon, maybe even today. Chapter 6 might come out today also. And, there might be more than wolves, mates, and alphas. I love that you are enjoying the book!!!


Imma be hard on you since youre my best friend


Of course you are

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