Hadassah's Watchman Trilogy

First Cry By:
Hadassah's Watchman Trilogy
Long ago God set watchmen on Jerusalem's walls to keep vigil and sound a battle cry when danger approached. These men were not to sleep for if they grew complecent many innocents would fall. Throughout the ages past and into this present age there were those born to be watchmen, some to watch over entire countries, some just over one soul. Each one equiped with gifts to help in this battle that goes beyond what we as humans see, Raphael is one such watchman, his gift? His battle cry? Well... his battle cry is found in song, and just as the demons fled when David sang to Saul, so the evil ones afflicting man kind do flee with Raphael's battle song... and one such song begins the redemptive song of Hadassah, and so her journey begins....

angels, demons, watchman, love, hate, God
Posts and Comments
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OMG I've only just read the first chapter but i'm hooked your book is amazing i love it!!

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Such an awesome book I'm in awe of your writing skills. Never stop using your beautiful gift!

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Your book was a amazing, as you may know. I didn't read all of it, but what I read so far was pretty cool. Keep on writing because your pretty good at it.(smile)

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Also check out my first book "Bonded to this world" and give a star. thnk u

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I have noticed that there are some grammatical errors in the writing. Watch for the omission of commas and capitols where they are not needed. Other than that, you have a good story and should do well./joeparente. I have already voted as I saw fit.

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