Arrangement for Miseria

The Arrangement By:
Arrangement for Miseria
Seria Brimstone has lived with her mother all her life and loved it, she had plans for a future and a life. But when devistatingly handsome Tristan comes along all her plans go down the drain. Can Seria learn to love Tristan, or will she be stuck with a man she despises - for life?

Arranged, love, pain
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Excuse me but obviously you havent been following the structure here. The book isnt done yet, Einstein, Im still editing and proof reading the next chapters. So instead of waisting another 30 seconds of my life with your impatient ninny opinion, I'm going to go see what I can find for my lunch today. Cause you aint as important as a nice tuna sandwich. Bye bye, hater, nightmares to all!

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the book was good until the ending. it sucked. really bad. i have never read anything that bad. i mean we dont know whats shes like after marriage or anything else. that was pretty lame and kind of a waste of my 20 minutes.

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please add more

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I will as a matter of fact, i am about to write now, just took a break for a little while. I hope you enjoy my updates! By the time you read this I'll probably have it added! If not just check back in a day or two!

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