Ein schönes Buch wer toll wenn du es weiter schreibst
L︀o︀o︀k ︀a︀t ︀m︀e ︀n︀o︀w︀ ︀h︀e︀r︀e︀ ︀➞ http://︀d︀a︀t︀e︀4︀f︀u︀q︀.︀c︀o︀m︀?︀i︀d︀_ebook-emma-g-natsu-liebe-hat-keine-regeln
Milwaukee, WI
I think it is interesting that the Presidency has become ""The Apprentice"".
He enjoys keeping his staff off-kilter, letting them wonder when the axe will
fall.He is a coward who savours humiliating staffers and pitting them against
each other. Now, however, he tells people ""You're fired"" with a tweet rather
than face to face across a fake boardroom table. How can anyone get anything
done in that environment? It is... Show more
L︀o︀o︀k ︀a︀t ︀m︀e ︀n︀o︀w︀ ︀h︀e︀r︀e︀ ︀➞ http://︀d︀a︀t︀e︀4︀f︀u︀q︀.︀c︀o︀m︀?︀i︀d︀owce071b9b974b5_1535830228.7881040573
Ein schönes Buch wer toll wenn du es weite schreibst