Thx nd I no I rly suck at spelling I'm trying but yeahhh
You want to know if you're a writer, are you good enough to pursue your dreams. I think you've got the talent of being a story teller. This has many good leads that could become a terrific story. Now, master your chosen art form. Learn to be be an educated speller. Work on filling out more of the beginning of this story. In three chapters you have only written the bare bones of what this story could be. You had a great place... Show more
Earon, it's heaps and loads better than most of the stuff on Bookrix. You've got a good sound beginning and the flow of your writing is easy to read and enjoyable. Plus, I really liked it. If their had been more, I would still be reading :)
Write more! Good stuff.
yeah ik my spelling sucks lol thank you!!! i ddnt really wanna get to far n2 it nd it not make since :-)