Prayers Against Marine Spirits:

Powerful Prayers and Declarations to Totally Destroy the Activities of Water Spirits By:
Prayers Against Marine Spirits:

The time has come to put a final stop on the activities of Marine Spirits.  In recent times Marine Spirits has caused a lot of damages to the human race including Churches by influencing their behavioral pattern. Marine Spirits conduct their operation inside waters and made the oceans, rivers, seas, streams, and lakes their stronghold.

However, it is extremely difficult to detect Marine Spirits than any other Spirits including witchcraft spirit. Unlike Witchcraft spirits who are aggressive and impatient in their operation, Marine Spirit is different, they are patient, well mannered and cultured in their operation.

Are you finding solutions to any or all of the problems below but you find it difficult? Then this book is for you

Uncontrollable sex

Uncontrollable masturbation

Watching of pornographic videos

Chronic Anger in You

  1. Dead in everything in a man's life, eg, dead brain, dead organs, dead spiritual life.
  2. The weakening of pastors power to perform a miracle or cast out demons
  3. Inability to get married on time
  4. Frequent divorce
  5. Bankruptcy
  6. Spirit wife
  7. Spirit husband
  8. Sex in the dream


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