Jamies Journal

Diary of a murder victim By:
Jamies Journal

Sometimes the darkness wins. Witness a young womans final days in her own words as her world slowly comes apart around her and her dreams abruptly become a nightmare.

journal, diary mystery, murder.
Posts and Comments
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Deleted User

Riveting and haunting.

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Deleted User

Scary and amazing!

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that was really good, and despite the fact that i'm going to cry myself to sleep tonight - i need to say that your writing style is really great - intense and dark - but great. this was a really interesting idea.

are all your stories so dark? i will go and find out!

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Glynis Rankin

I was told that I would love your work, this book in particular, but I had no idea. To say I love this would be an understatement. I truly love your style and verse. This was a very usual story in the way you presented it. Usually yet smart, it drew the reader in at once and held them until the very end. I won't say more, but yes sir. I will be watching your work closely.

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Mia Tchoukour

What a nightmare. How crazy to think that people like that are out there. Gave me the creeps!

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I noticed a few typos, such as "were" instead of "we're" but apart from that, very good. You really captured a young adult's mentality. It was very difficult for me to stop turning the pages.

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Dude, that gave me goosebumps. Oh my gosh.


It freaking turned into a Japanese horror movie at the end. I love it!!

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that was very surprising twist with the second diary. Crazy to read, won't need to read that again. Scarey!

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Deleted User

Guys...u shouldn't read this!!! Its jaime's diary, so stop!

(I am joking, lol) (-:

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