True Maturity (Afrikaans version)

Ware Volwassenheid By:
True Maturity (Afrikaans version)

True maturity is to be in a childlike walk with Me, with a pure heart. True maturity is not religious knowledge. Your knowledge makes you self-righteous and this religious knowledge makes you blind. Because you are blind, you are trapped into pride,stubbornness,self-love and self-righteousness. Repent, for My judgment is coming to My house and it is coming now!


All Scripture reference and notes are from the Recovery Version Bible.


Language: Afrikaans

Ware volwassenheid is om kinderlik saam met My te lewe met ‘n suiwer hart. Slegs met eenvoudige gehoorsaamheid soos ‘n kind teenoor ‘n vader, met vader-kind-liefde. Tensy jy na My toe kom soos ‘n kind, sonder jou godsdienstige kennis, kan Ek nie met jou werk nie. Kom vra ‘n nuwe, skoon, suiwer hart.Kom tot bekering - want My oordeel kom na My huis, en dit kom gou!


Alle skrifverwysings en aantekeninge kom uit die Bybel in Afrikaans (1953

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