Shattered Moon

A Vampire Romance By:
Shattered Moon
There's no description available at the moment. I'm working on it without a plot/storyline. I am writing this freely; so, when I have enough information, I will write a summary/book description. I will take your suggestions into consideration. If you see something that you think should be changed, please post it as a comment. I really want constructive criticism on this since this is going to be the second novel I'll finish.

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I understand I need to write more. Please be patient, and I hope you are. I'm working on two different projects; one is a short story and the other is a novel. I thank you all for taking time to read what I have so far of Shattered Moon. I have a lack of inspiration for this story at the moment. On top of all this, I have to take care of two mature cats and a puppy. Thank you for your understanding. I will be writing more in... Show more

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Deleted User

that was so beautiful! you need to right more please?

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I really wish that you told more about the main character like; what does she look like,where are her parents,where was the setting, etc. Overall i liked it and i truly wish that you would write more.

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That's okay. I'm looking for criticism, but a general comment is nice too. :)

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I luv ur book, but i'm sorry i don't really know alot of advice on books. >.

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