reading this was truly over whelming. for me its pretty hard to express myself deeply and you seem as though you're quite fine doing so! i cant stress how amazing this was. i recommend you publish your work because i most definitely wont mind buying them ALL!
David, your poems are absolutely beautiful. I'm in awe of your ability to express your sensitive emotions. I love this journey into the male mind. How exquisite of a portrait you paint! I have never read anything quite as lovely as this before.
Mm... you've got me smiling my Mistress of the Quill Pen.
I do try to put feelings and heart into my writing. And I'm not afraid to show my tender side as a guy. ;-)
...your way of your romantic poems, all of them are very special and makes me longing for a guy like you! :-)
Love to you...
I always "feel" your writes. Wonderful,romantic heart you have..always will be.
With love,
Wonderful loving poems and each will fill your heart with pleasure and devotion. Just read it and feel it... you soon will know what I mean.
Well done, David, and as JohnnyCrash below already mentioned, each poem could even be kind of lyrics for some wonderful love songs... :)
Best regards,
words full of gentleness..i like this poem..
L*ove you, solely you.
O*ne-sided love, I know.
V*oiceless dreams in the wind,
E*ight feet under the rainbow.
L*ove you, solely you.
E*ven more than my life.
T*imeless, deep feeling.
T*hings will change,
E*agles won´t fly anymore.
R*eason for a miracle healing
Nach diesen Worten muss dir deine Liebe in deinen Armen hinweg geschmolzen sein...
Dear David, let me explain my thoughts after reading Your book in my language:
Du hast für den Leser hier eine herrliche Sammlung von Liebesgedanken zusammengestellt. Aus jedem dieser poesievollen Bilder spricht das tiefe Gefühl des Autors für die Frau, die er liebt. Es sind möglicherweise fast alles kleine Songtexte.
Ich wünsch dir viel Erfolg im Wettbewerb und in deiner persönlichen Liebe.
Thank you Johnny, for the great message my friend your words are touching and very kind.
Thank you smithfactory for your gracious comment. Comments like yours make writing worthwhile thank you!
I thank you for such a lovely comment. I'm happy that you enjoy my thoughts and writings. Blessings for you and yours my friend.