Hugely-significant vocational unpleasantness

The Chicken Factory By:
Hugely-significant vocational unpleasantness
Arguably one of the most unpleasant things I have ever, ever done for money.

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an indication of what you've become? A very humorous slant on a job unworthy of human participation.

My husband worked one summer in a duck factory and forbid me to bring one to cook into the home. My brain works a bit like yours and I got to thinking about the live ones and I can't say I'm too fond of them either - had one bite my foot thinking it was a bit of white bread - the white shoes confused her.

I think you did a great... Show more

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dr.wardha dan i'm a amount of spoken gook manages to put me long as it's in good humor...oh and chicken isn't all that high on my list of "yum" things..i'm more a red meat person..=)

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Hey Dr.Wardha

Thanks so much for those kind words and for the 'Star'. I'm so pleased that you liked the piece and I hope that it didn't put you off chicken.

Have a fantastic day


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loved it...such black humor its genius!...tongue in cheek all the way to the very end and highly refreshing.the way you write is truly a gift,one indicative of a unique perception and i admire it greatly..good luck!

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Hi Dan,

Goodluck in the contest.

I think your opening line provides a good 'hook'. Although, the use of 'maggots' could turn some readers off, lol... I like your light tone and comical voice. You've used exaggeration well. Your pictures are cute, you must be clever with your pc. The story was engaging. I think you got your message across loud and clear. There is some good imagery. I loved the washing machine chook plucker, and... Show more

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I've worked in a couple factories, one made bagels of all things, and your story totally reminded me of those experiences. Luckily i never had to do the chicken thing, but i did have a couple of the same supervisors along the way. Good luck, i liked your story the best of them all so far.

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