I think the book is good because that´s the way the warrior cats really think about the "twolegs", but you should have written more things between the things that fireheart and sandstorm say. I don´t know if there are spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes, because I don´t speak English, but the dialogue is nice :)
I am going to write a review of the book, The Kittypet Life, by Clearheart.
This is quite a good story, but there are some errors.
I'm sad to say there are many spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, and when a new person is talking you're supposed to start a new line.
Why don't you try to describe the scene around Fireheart and Sandstorm? Where were they? In their den, by the fresh kill pile, were they trapped by twolegs so they... Show more
I believe the warrior series was one of my favorite series!