this book is mazing!!!! the details are fine. one of the best books ive ever read!
Wow! 34 hearts! Thanks so much! I'm so glad that you all liked it!
Carl was kind of an interesting character to write. Originally, I had planned on him staying as the good guy. But then I figured out how I was gonna end it, and didn't want to add a new character that she could marry, so I just had Carl go from good to bad.
This is THE BEST book I have read in a long long time! I cant wait to read the sequel and some of your other books! Keep up the great work!
You had dreams about it? Well... okay then. Haha Thanks, Makenzie. =]
OMG I love it Cassie gosh I had dreams about it. LOL And your right Collin was the perfect name
Thanks so much! Don't worry about the G rating... Even if I tried, I wouldn't be able to write something that wasn't G rated. I'm afraid I'd be horrible at it. So I'll stick with what I'm good at.
I'll be updating it every day or so, or as often as I can. Thanks again!
ok. first of all i loved it. sorry in advance for everything im saying. soo...i liked the point of view but i think that u need to use alot more detail. and there are quite a few spelling and grammar errors. u should prolly type it in a word document that does spell check and then paste it to bookrix. i really liked how u started it out with the date and number thing. if u dont want to work on detail right now u could start... Show more
Thanks. Yeah, I know I need to add a lot of detail. I have been typing it on Word, but my computer's being retarded and not showing any of the spelling mistakes or anything like that. I have a lot more written, but I need to type it up on the computer. I'll do that as soon as... Show more