found your book in the swap shop... you know what that means:)
I really liked this book. it had a perfect twist of wittiness and scariness, if that is even a word, I found this book very intriguing and you should definitely continue on it.
I really enjoyed reading this! I can't wait for more :]
will I'm working on the last book now :) the rest of the series is u[p :)
Hmm...I always did like suspense. What was the inspiration for this? That is if you don't mind me asking lol, I guess I like to know where cliffhanger endings stem from :D
Oh I remember now, sorry another person asked me that and I couldn't remember. any way there was a contest where they gave you three words. mine was tortoise, mill, and winter. I finished the story a day late and wasn't able to submit it but that was a while ago. I have two more... Show more
lol that is such a random combo...tortoise, mill and did a good job in putting them together, I would have looked at that list and gotten frustrated with how to pin them into a story.
: ) they were all so random and these three were the only ones i could think of a story for. which has now become series. lol To think three unrelated words started it all.
lol goes to show stories come from anywhere. I'm actually working on a story that was inspired by a song that I like. Hopefully I can do it justice like you did to the words
: )
oh my gosh thank you for telling me something i thought nobody read and i was going to make a part two just didn't get around to it yet i guess i'll start now. thank you, thank you, and thankyou!!!
Sorry I haven't been on here in like forever, but just tell me the name of your book and I'll read, when I get the chance.(hey I'm still in school!)
Anyway I'm already working on the last book in the series I just have a little writers block. Plus I'm now a part of deviant art... Show more
Sorry I haven't been on here in like forever, but just tell me the name of your book and I'll read, when I get the chance.(hey I'm still in school!)
Anyway I'm already working on the last book in the series I just have a little writers block. Plus I'm now a part of deviant art and so I sometimes forget to come on here.