The Winter Mill Murder

Winter's Death By:
The Winter Mill Murder
When a little girl dies in the winter and all you find is a stained tortoise, how do you solve the mystery? Follow the detective getting clues and evidence along the way. What happens after the mill closes though is the biggest mystery yet? (This short story is only 3 chapters long) (Completed) Look for the second book that is now out. Here is the title: "The Birth of Death / Winter Meets the Mill"

To previous readers, I am so sorry about the picture change but this web site would no longer let me use it: (And sorry again I don't know whose beautiful piece of artwork this is by but all the credit goes to them not me I only wrote the story.

This Book is Part of a Series "Winter"
All Books in this Series:
The Winter Mill Murder
Winter's Death
The Birth of Death
Winter Meets the Mill
The Lively Glow of Death
Winter's Ghost
The Fall From Darkness
A Dark Winter
Posts and Comments
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Ashley Berrett

found your book in the swap shop... you know what that means:)

I really liked this book. it had a perfect twist of wittiness and scariness, if that is even a word, I found this book very intriguing and you should definitely continue on it.

1 Comment

Sorry I haven't been on here in like forever, but just tell me the name of your book and I'll read, when I get the chance.(hey I'm still in school!)
Anyway I'm already working on the last book in the series I just have a little writers block. Plus I'm now a part of deviant art... Show more

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I really enjoyed reading this! I can't wait for more :]

1 Comment

will I'm working on the last book now :) the rest of the series is u[p :)

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Hmm...I always did like suspense. What was the inspiration for this? That is if you don't mind me asking lol, I guess I like to know where cliffhanger endings stem from :D


Oh I remember now, sorry another person asked me that and I couldn't remember. any way there was a contest where they gave you three words. mine was tortoise, mill, and winter. I finished the story a day late and wasn't able to submit it but that was a while ago. I have two more... Show more


lol that is such a random combo...tortoise, mill and did a good job in putting them together, I would have looked at that list and gotten frustrated with how to pin them into a story.


: ) they were all so random and these three were the only ones i could think of a story for. which has now become series. lol To think three unrelated words started it all.


lol goes to show stories come from anywhere. I'm actually working on a story that was inspired by a song that I like. Hopefully I can do it justice like you did to the words

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oh my gosh thank you for telling me something i thought nobody read and i was going to make a part two just didn't get around to it yet i guess i'll start now. thank you, thank you, and thankyou!!!

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Pretty good! Though I would've written a little more and set it in order with a little more details. *please dun hate meh for commenting my review* XD

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