It occurred to me that since you were being so kind about offering to read other people's work, I should check and make sure yours was being read as well. So I read all three of the stories in your "Winter" series, and found them enchanting! You build the mystery nicely without overdoing it, your descriptions are clear and to the point, but mostly, you have a very intelligent, almost existential way of explaining what's... Show more
sure but it may take awhile :( school stinks
Yeah, I remember, lol!
Hey, I finished the book :) but don't you ever expect me to finish this soon ever again. lol my mom was 2 hours late pick me up and so i started writing and ended up finishing it rich when she arrived just put it up a while ago and I'm starting the next one but that one is going... Show more
Thanks! I'll go check it out right after dinner - yay!
Comments are appreciated, welcomed, and will be answered! : )
wahhhhhh finish the book already
Hey Rima! just thought I'd tell you that i have one chapter left to write. sorry I had to catch up in HW. I'm planning on having two more books in the series right now so don't worry there will be an ending. I'm thinking of having the last book being a little different but... Show more
Hi! It is done! NOW to begin the next book :)
The next book is out and finished too so I'm working on the last one.
I'm not sure I was just searching google one day and I saw it. Yeah, this is why I don't really list the names for who created the pictures I use because I don't know. So, I put down rights to respected owners and hope it's okay
And thanks for Reading! :)