Sir, you're just my Boss

Sir, you're just my Boss
25 year old Alexandra Lenda never really knew what love meant. There's her best friend Candice (Candy) Underwood that's always there for her and worst of all...sets blind dates for her. Even the fact she hated the guys Candy sets her up with. The Rich Jerks. On till Alexandra meets Toby, Candice's older brother who is also her boss...

Toby Underwood is the rich millionaire CEO. Mean, nice from-time-to-time, cocky, sweet, most of all hot player.

Waring: Swearing..and other stuff. XP

This Book is Part of a Series "Childhood Buddies"
All Books in this Series:
The Nerdy Revenge
Miss All That, Meet Your Nerdy Revenge
Sir, you're just my Boss
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Plz tell me when u update!

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i liked it for the most part, however i think you should draw it out more, its like your too anxious and are trying to get to the good parts too soon, and reread what you write, you'll notice your mistakes then. but great start. :)

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