The awakening of the half-breed

Book 1 By:
The awakening of the half-breed
I hated my life of a human, always torchered because of my eyes, sapphire blue with ice blue rings. then one day I wake up in a creeps house and finds out he's a vampire.....grrrreat just what I need another mishap in my life.

This Book is Part of a Series "The Awakening of the Half-Breed"
All Books in this Series:
The awakening of the half-breed
Book 2 (in progress)
The awakening of the half-breed
Book 1
Posts and Comments
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thanks? and don't worry it will all be explained

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Vera R.

I hate Lenny why did he have to betray her with her sister?I thought they were mates?Mates can' t cheat on their mates!!!It's impossible!!

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So I've finished the book and I really like it so far! You've come up with the funniest chapter titles too!
'I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, dumb-ass, we're in deep shit!' LoL!

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So she was kidnapped b4 being kidnapped the second time? Tht, really bad! N Lennie! OH MAN! He's sooooo hot and sooooo cute! N when he said he loved her? Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

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Hahahahahahah! Their piss lines?! Tht's funny!
...just thought I'd point tht out...

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WoW! Only on pg.11 n I'm already hooked! Already I relate to the girl and am worried for her! What's going on? What was up with the guy kidnapping her? GRRREAT!

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