Only in fairy tales and anime

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Only in fairy tales and anime
"Hey Raven." I didn't answer. "Raven!" "What?!" It was more like a growl than me saying it. He was slightly taken aback. He? Oh it was that Gabriel boy. "I wanted to know if we could be friends!" "I don't want your pity, nor do I need friends." He was sitting at my table now. "Why not and I'm not trying to pity you." "Because your mister popular and I'm the outcast. It doesn't work.That kind of thing is only in fairy tales and anime you know." "Why?" "Because that's just how it is." I took off my top hat and twirled it through my fingers before putting it back on. "Sorry boy, but I don't believe in this kind of thing anymore, nope I don't ta ta." With a wave of my hand I started out. "What happened to you?" I stopped and stiffened. "What do you mean?" "Everyone told me that before the break, before I came that your voice wasn't just loud, but the type of voice that you could pin point in a crowd and now you couldn't tell the difference and that you were so nice, so friendly, so kind and caring." " Times change and as for my voice that's how it should be. You've had your fun teasing me with this for your friends entertainment, so if you don't mind please leave me alone and I'll be on my way." My mad hatter top hat was now over my eyes making me look quite dark and evil as I walked out of the library doors and eventually out of the school without a single glance back. I didn't need friends. They only stab you in the back. The good stuff only happens in fairy tales and anime.

This Book is Part of a Series "Only in fairy tales and anime"
All Books in this Series:
Only in fairy tales and anime
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Write more is sooo good

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I'm not so good in english, but I understand all and I love it *-* this book is very amazing and I hope I can read more of this FUCKING awesome book *-*

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