Drabble Contest

Three Stories by Bram Floria By:
Drabble Contest
Three mystery selections for the 2012 Bookrix Drabble Competition.

Bram Floria is communications professional specializing in Fantasy and Mystery novels and short fiction.

Drabble Contest
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i guess if you can get past the title...

appreciate the encouragement - please feel free to spread the word!

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Terrible title, lol!

Why hasn't this polished work been read more I wonder? Three distinct stories with beginnings, middles and fine endings.

I loved the confidence of the writing. Ie., The Devil's Wife:
"The rain hardens, threatening hail." "...at the wettened soil." Just two examples of the author selecting unique images...rain hardening...and wettened. The average writer certainly would have played it safe "...and stares at... Show more

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tanya77: short's the name of the game! thanks for the read. some pretty interesting stuff in this contest, so far.

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preston. kind words. a hundred words doesn't make much room for more than the present, n'est pas?

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