How To Format Your eBook

BookRix ePub Guide By:
How To Format Your eBook

The BookRix FREE self-publishing service offers you the opportunity to sell your eBooks in the major online stores. Our guide offers simple instructions to create and format an eBook using Microsoft Word. We also provide information on how eBook formatting is different from print formatting.

If you want to distribute your eBook via BookRix to all the major eBook stores, such as Amazon, Apple, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble, this guide is a must-read.

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Mark Lim

Can EPUB format support Hebrew fonts on Apple Mac Pages ? Also if there is math equation involved?

Important Post

Very helpful My only question remaining is about cover art. In one section of the book it calls for art cover art to be "At least 900x100 pixels" But under the section dealing with cover art, it says it needs too be "1100x2000" pixels

I wan to get this right and am confused.

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iI use software called Open Office. Is there any way I could format my book without using Microsoft Word? And if so, how?

Deleted User

Ask the administration directly here:

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READ ON OR DIE TONIGHT AT 10:35 P.M 9 years ago a person named Jerry got dared to sleep in a house that was believed haunted. The next day his friends waited for him outside the house...... They had to go inside and search for him. They went through every room exept the attic. He wasn't supposed to sleep there. He was supposed to sleep in the living room they went to the attic
. They saw Jerry's corpse and they just left... Show more

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I have already printed out my ebook; House of Heart: Poetry for Dreamers here at BookRix. It is offered for free presently. I would like to sell the book later. I have been unable to align the pages properly, eg; a poem title may be on one page and the poem on the next, rather than all together. Please advise me how to set my pages correctly. If there is anyone who can do this for me, I would appreciate that. Please advise.
... Show more

Deleted User

Make them different chapter. Make every title of the poem or whatever the name of a new chapter. And it should make it all different pages

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Deleted User

Lots of useful tips. Thanks!

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