
fantasy, elves, elven, love
Posts and Comments
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This is a very good start for your story! I'm not going to repeat everyone on the spelling errors, but what you have written is coming together nicely, flows well, and I can't wait for more. :)

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Some words are incorrect but you have time to edit, anyhoo THATS AN AWESOME BOOK

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OMG! i totally didnt mean to put up those many. my computer is going crazy!

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i like how its starting off. and to tell the truth im a sucker for a good romance. please keep writing. and when is the next update?

Important Post

i like how its starting off. and to tell the truth im a sucker for a good romance. please keep writing. and when is the next update?

Important Post

i like how its starting off. and to tell the truth im a sucker for a good romance. please keep writing. and when is the next update?

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