woodstock, NY
""Make an effort to get to know people unlike yourself ""
So say we all, or at least the reader-participants of the New York Times.
I believe Mr. Brooks is saying that people from different perspectives used to
battle fairly over ideas and policies, and would move a little on their side
in order to move the other side. He's confused about why they don't, and your
saying ""just do it"" is not much of a help.
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woodstock, NY
""Make an effort to get to know people unlike yourself ""
So say we all, or at least the reader-participants of the New York Times.
I believe Mr. Brooks is saying that people from different perspectives used to
battle fairly over ideas and policies, and would move a little on their side
in order to move the other side. He's confused about why they don't, and your
saying ""just do it"" is not much of a help.
On the personal level, doing so means growing out of personal comfort zones,
when there are only incentives to avoid that. On the group level, the margins
have learned it is better to move the group to the left or right than to move
the other side. Because the group's power depends on everyone keeping in line,
the radical minority has a larger say because they can always threaten to
bolt. Perhaps it is only the horror of a recent war.
Education aims to produce skilled workers and IP creators. Political groups
aim to increase their own power through franchises. Neither really depends on
critical thinking, deliberation or persuasion.
Plato in the Republic asked questions still pertinent today:
\- who rules the rulers? what prevents them from using their power to get more
\- who would be just if they could get away with anything?
\- how does a just state come from just people, or how does it produce just
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Music: https://muxiv.com
AV: http://yofuk.com