The awakening of the half-breed

Book 2 (in progress) By:
The awakening of the half-breed
I had finally got settled away from all the maniacs and had all the company I need. But they had to come back and ruin it all. They had to ruin my life once,and now they want to do it again. Well I won't let them!

This Book is Part of a Series "The Awakening of the Half-Breed"
All Books in this Series:
The awakening of the half-breed
Book 2 (in progress)
The awakening of the half-breed
Book 1
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o.m.g!!!!! WRIGHT MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL LOVE U STORIES

1 Comment

thank you so much i'll try to

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