Love, the Lover and the Loved

Exposition on 2 Corinthians 13:14 By:
Love, the Lover and the Loved

Let's Talk About Love

Everywhere I go, all the places that I've been

Every smile is a new horizon on a land

I've never seen

There are people around the world

Different faces, different names

But there's one true emotion that

Reminds me we're the same

Let's talk about love


From the laughter of a child

To the tears of a grown man

There's a thread that runs right through us

All and helps us understand

As subtle as a breeze, that fans a flicker

To a flame

From the very first sweet melody

To the very last refrain


Let's talk about love

Let's talk about us

Let's talk about life

Let's talk about trust

Let's talk about love


It's the king of all who live

And the queen of good hearts

It's the ace you may keep up your

Sleeve, till the name is all but lost

As deep as any sea, with the rage of

Any storm

But as gentle as a falling leaf on any

Autumn morn

(Song by Celine Dion)

Let's talk love, shan't we

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