HAPPINESS In Quantum Leaps
By: Aura McClain
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Happiness in Quantum Leaps is a guide to achieving Love, Joy, Peace, and Happiness through positive alignment of our Body, Mind, and Energy/Spirit together as one:
1. Mind: Attain Mental Peace by Learning to Control Your Mind
-Learn how to drastically reduce or remove stress from your mind naturally without drugs
-Learn how to make sense out of all the various teachings of religions and science so you can have mental peace in this domain.
-Learn how to resolved your past and present hurts and at the same time.
-Remove your anxiety about your future, so you can achieve mental peace.
-Learn how to be in the present moment.
-Learn how to control and reduce the number of thoughts you generate in your mind so you can stop the madness in your head
-Learn where to find perfect love, peace, joy and happiness no matter what the world of chaos throws at you.