I Wonder

User: lilmay
I Wonder
This is a new project I am working on using Bookrix. Imagine a book, where everybody has put something into it, if only a name of a character, the being/meaning of a character or a scene, being it love or action? We all have a part of a story that we can't work out, a part that we can't fit in to one of our own books, so lets share ideas and create a book full of meaning that EVERYBODY can enjoy and add your part! Everything is welcome, any ideas you want to add, any characters you'd love to see come to life, any dreams you'd like to see come true, any world you'd love to see bloom! It's for all ages, and overall it'll be alot of fun! Maybe you could even come up with the title? Leave a comment on the book or send an email. Even if you only leave a name of a character, get Involed and set the scene! I'll write it out (with your help) and show the bookrix world your ideas!

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Haha all great ideas guys, writing the beginning now it'll be on soon :D by the way, need ideas for titles!

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Yeah thats true but maybe the fairy(Layla) could be the fairy of light. So her wings would give off light and it still could be dusk or twilight. Picture this, Layla is runing (cause she can't fly.) away from Alec. (because Alec wants to fine the fairy kingdom, take all the power and destroy it.) Layla goes as far as she can than she faints from exaustion. (her light goes out at this time) And thats when Damian finds her. He... Show more

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I don't know how you can fit this in but...what if there was talking dalmation who needed to constantly create or destroy things, or in other words make a big mess. I know its sounds crazy but maby it could give you inspiration.

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With the part of the demon attracted to the fairy by her blood and also the demon's name being Damian. Just make sure that the demon doesn't find out for a little while why he is so attracted to the fairy and that it is a vampire that fills him in on the information as to why it is so addictive. This will make the book carry on for a little longer and also give you time to play with more of your other characters. The blood... Show more

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Thanks for the comment jacelyn but I took my aspiration from the TV Series True Blood. It is such an awesome show and it has all that lilmay is looking for to put in this book of collaboration. So that is why I came up with it.

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yes but they will be deep in a dark forest so it is already dark enough

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Deleted User

I agree with tgm522 but insead of mid day maybe dusk or twilight so the deamon can slip through the shadows without being seen by the hunter. Or the fairy(Layla) at the last second. Thnxs for using some of the names I mentioned. I like the whole ordeal so far! :D

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