Part time Cat

Teil 1 von Teilzeitkatze By:
Part time Cat
I never knew how to behave around cats. I thought even that I didn't like them. Cats always make me feel extremely uncool. Well, all that was before her.

This Book is Part of a Series "Teilzeitkatze"
All Books in this Series:
Part time Cat
Teil 1 von Teilzeitkatze
Bye Bye, Bagheera
Teil 2 von Teilzeitkatze
Alle lieben Socks
Teil 3 von Teilzeitkatze
Cat, Pet, Family
Posts and Comments
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Amazingly written and you have portrayed each emotions beautifully.I like the cats and this moment is a cat sitting in my window.

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Same thing happened to me with more than one cat. They have their own ways of thinking - but still we love them and don´t want to miss them:-)

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also where adopted by Pascha, and now we make part of his harem (vd. may book: "Nun mal ganz im Ernst").

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they always have their own way and most of the time, tey get what they want

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Deleted User

You are chosen by cats...das trifft es. Meine Tochter hatte drei Katzen. Der Riesenkater schien von Anfang an meiner zu sein, d.h., er hatte mich gewählt. Inzwischen lebt er auch bei mir.
Toll beschrieben, das Wesen der eigenwilligen Samtpfoten sehr gut erfasst.

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... wir hatten auch zwei "Teilzeit-Katzen", bis wit schließlich auf einem Bauernhof eigene Katzen retten durften.

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