Trust Me
Why should I feel a shame. I am special and loved.

Healing, Encouragement
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( ︀^_^ ︀) ➜ WWW.DATE4FUQ.COM?_ebook-angela-michelle-crowder-trust-me

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I felt the pain of this little girl and know that there are many little boys and girls like her. You are right, your voice is your source of power. Use it. Never let anyone tell you to keep secrets from those who love you. By telling to you keep a secret they are violating the trust between a parent and a child. I have small children. I don't trust anyone who wants them to keep a secret from me.

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( ︀^_^ ︀) ➜ WWW.DATE4FUQ.COM?mcrowder_1258560144.0035040379

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Dear Angela, if I were a bird and could fly to your side, could take you under my wing, could sweep your sadness clean, could raise your head to light, could again, make everything all right. Yet, I am simply a writer with only words to soothe you, and a heart, touched and wounded as I read of your time in seeing into the dark side of humans. And indeed you are special, we all need to feel we fill a divine purpose...and live... Show more

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Hello Elizabeth,

I read your post and at the time I did not know how to respond to it. I thank you for your thoughts and your care. This is something that happent o children much to often and sometime they are alone. Some can make it and some can't. If we teach them early that... Show more

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May this book find it way to the hands of those little boys and girls that need it.

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Hi rgibson, not only does this book need to reach young hands, it needs to reach hands out of control, hands that hold little conscience, and hands that just might...maybe, get the message from a little one who has been there. Wa do, Elizabeth

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