Black Belt, AL
Resignation was always an option, but Humphrey chose to bend to Johnson rather
than act on his beliefs about the war. A resignation at the beginning of 1965
might have inspired enough congressional opposition to forestall the massive
commitment of troops that would follow. Just listen to Johnson's May 1964
conversation with Sen. Russell of GA to hear even a Southern right-winger
express intelligent and prescient... Show more
Black Belt, AL
Resignation was always an option, but Humphrey chose to bend to Johnson rather
than act on his beliefs about the war. A resignation at the beginning of 1965
might have inspired enough congressional opposition to forestall the massive
commitment of troops that would follow. Just listen to Johnson's May 1964
conversation with Sen. Russell of GA to hear even a Southern right-winger
express intelligent and prescient disquiet about a deeper U.S. commitment in
Vietnam. By the time of Humphrey's hypothetical inauguration in January 1969,
however, it would have been much too late to extricate the U.S. -- with
500,000 troops then on the ground -- in any easy way.
Humphrey's capitulation was just another example of how power corrupts, which
now see unfolding in Washington daily. Although our public officials swear an
oath to defend the Constitution, not any particular leader or party, rarely
does one show the courage to risk his or her political career by defying
leader or party in the interest of the Republic.