Here we can find a mélange of elegant metaphors, rhetorical words, perfect flow intermingle with rare honesty. You are Emily Dickinson of this century, well done Ariana, I really love your poetry.
Sorry to everyone who read recently... I just corrected some glitches that were messing up the poems and their titles. I hope that it didn't cause too much confusion.
Love the poetry, it is powerful and compelling. I also love reading things written by people with such a vast vocabulary. Your use of words is astounding.
You are a great poet. Only two things I was wondering about.
Did you mean desideratum in stead of desideratom; and in your last poem you mentioned a hooked cross, was that an elision to WWII, because in your opening you said the poem referenced WWI
Although the Swastika does... Show more
Oh, I need to fix that...
Even though I know perfectly well the difference between WWI and WWII, I messed that up. I'll fix that right away. Thank you for pointing that out. I will fix desideratom/desideratum.
On the other hand, thank you for the glowing review. It's so exciting... Show more
I would love that. Thanks much, and keep up the good work. :o)
Okay, I will do my best. :)
Thank you!
Wow. That's some powerful stuff, especially the final poem about the concentration camp. It's also extremely well-written, true poetry. Almost anyone can come up with cute little verses that rhyme, or even manage to keep the meter, but this is flat-out masterful, and I thank you for sharing you immense talent with us.
Oh, thank you so much. I really appreciate you taking the time to review this.
Believe me, it was a pleasure! ')
Please leave your comments, suggestions, and thoughts on these poems below. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
I really like your poetic voice. You have this uncanny ability to write with a rhythm, though it is free verse. Very well done.
This is just a collection of poems I've been writing. I'll be slowly adding poems as time allows.
They are all nice, but my two favourites are "Baby" and "Silence".
Thank you so much.