SEPTEMBER 17! not november 17!
some dude called kevin tan pointed it out to me.
next time updates will be NOVEMBER SEVENTEENTH!?!??!
thanks all users for reading and replying! i really appreciate that.
just to let you know, i have added a tiny part of chapter two. also, i have decided that im not going to update chapter by chapter, but by every five chapters!
keep reading!
ps: next time i plan to update will be november 17th
i love the poem at the beginning of the chapter! great start! i also love when you talk about the dancing beam of light :) i also love the physical description of her mother!
here are some things to fix:
page 8
add a comma here: "work later than usual, exhausted, but happy"
"passed down around my family" should probably be changed to "passed down
through my family"
"every child of the Everblade clan where" - i think you meant to... Show more