The Carsona Family

Reala By:
The Carsona Family
How far would you run to escape your past. When Reala Carsona, the true heir to the vampire clans, believes her brother has betrayed her and killed their parents she flees. But can she run forever?

This file is just a very quick overview, if you think it is worth continuing tell me. If so I will pour all my time into this series. Remember review are love!

This Book is Part of a Series "The Carsona Clan"
All Books in this Series:
The Carsona Family
vampires, hurt, love, betrayal, family
Posts and Comments
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Thanks for reviewing XD. I know it needs editing that was just rough to see if people liked the idea. Don't worry though I have an amazing proof-reader that edits all my big stuff but I didn't do it with that cause it was just a quick ideas thing XD anyway thanks for reading it for me!

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lizzy21 can just move her mouse to the top of your book and then click on the "magnifying glass" button to see your font look bigger.

this is a great start to your story! just make sure you have somebody edit it for you :)

Important Post

sorry, alexandra. the font was too small :( i was unable to read it

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