Cold Blood
Mindy Robinson is a young assassin shes quick, clever and insensitive to pleads for mercy. She lost all she held dear so know shes turned on everyone else. Shes employed by an agency that doesnt care about her if she talks the axe comes down but that suits her just fine. Death would be an escape but then again revenge is sweet. Mindy wont give up on life but will life give up on her. Danger at every turn sit back and enjoy!

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I have an offer related to writing story and I'd like to talk about it.
If you are interested, you can reach me on insta: ods.apa or message me at leonandre880 (at) g m a i l (dot) com

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i loved it. cant wait till u rite more :) check out my book. its called protected and then the 2nd part never let me go. thanks nd i really loved this book :D

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That is great I loved it. It had a great plot with a great charaeters! This is so good. But my question is, when are you going to write more?

and that is the, 411

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