Sykes Story

My Main Man By:
Sykes Story
He is amazing I love him he is so sweet and I know everything there is to know about him so yeah I hope you like it!!!!!!!!! No matter what i believe that NS and AG belong together.

Nathan, Sykes, AWESOME
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I'll be honest - I had no idea who Nathan Sykes was (yeah, I'm older than dirt - bleh). However, I'm a voice teacher and a musician/performer so when I read this, I became fascinated. I can so see why you're a fan - he sounds amazing, and now you've got my curiosity piqued. I'm off to check him out on Youtube; thanks for sharing this. It's a lovely tribute that's well-organized and nicely-written! (And thank you for the friend request, lol).


ive heard about you and you seem awesome and thank you for the comment and trust me my moms pretty old ( but I love her) so u r not that old and hes my favorite singer or one of them atleast and I hope you like him hes awesome


You're such a sweetheart - thanks you!

Well, I've been listening to his songs - what a magnificent voice! He also has a beautiful heart, and I can totally see why you're such a huge fan. You picked a real winner! Wow!


Thank you so much he is an amazing person I actually had the opportunity to meet him last year and he is amazing...I don't get star struck but he had me dying I almost fainted


I get that, lol. When the Beatles came to America I became an instant fan of Paul McCartney, and would go to their movies to scream like a crazy person every time he came on screen. 'D

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