Find Your Own Path

The Truth Is Hidden Inside By:
Find Your Own Path

This is my journal based on my spiritual journey going inwards then coming out. This is not the truth just my truth, because the truth is your own. I write about letting go so that we can become who we are supposed to be. We all have the opportunity to become our greatest selves. There is a hidden power within all of us, potential energy waiting to be unlocked.


My past experiences created many obstacles and challenges. I was bullied used and abused, I also hurt others too. I thought that I could bury my hurt feelings deep inside while I continued to live my life. I used to be full of ignored insecurities, regret, shame, and resentments.


In 2011 I was somehow pulled into chakras, yoga, and tai chi practices. I had no idea where spirit was moving me. I have come to realize that I spent most of my life sleeping, this was an eerie feeling. I thought I knew who I was; I saw how my life was just a lie.


I needed to challenge my old perception of myself and the outside world.

I found myself experiencing higher consciousness as I journeyed deeper internally, inner awareness showed my external reality was all an illusion, and that the only thing that is true is what is within. I continued my quest because I wanted to experience spiritual enlightenment.



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