Best friends for never

self destruction By:
User: amari51
Best friends for never
Elana Hamton is a 15 year old girl who shares her dream to date hotty trent mathews become a journalist and create a website for teens to stay intouch with Michigan High drama. Every one can make their own account. When and anonomous account gets created and post embarrissing things about her and her friends become populare and she doesnt is when everything starts going down hill. She wants to stands out so she where's slutty clothes andgets into drugs. She got her chanceto shine bhut bad decision put her in life or dealth situations. will her friends come and save her when she calls or were they too betrayed by her that the dont want to help at all.

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hey its amari sorry i have been very busy .. im working on the book now (;

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thank you so much there will be more posted today so stay tuned . and i would love to here your feed back . What i should change your predictions and more :))

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