My Problem with From Blood and Ashes.
I started out pretty good, with an interesting worldbuilding, new concepts etc. I wasn't sure if it would be a more medival oder futuristic background. The former seemed more likely. But i then if you really think about it, it is a horrible story about an exploited woman being kept and used by powerful people (mostly men) and a woman who endured horendous pain and terror. It felt like the... Show more
My Problem with From Blood and Ashes.
I started out pretty good, with an interesting worldbuilding, new concepts etc. I wasn't sure if it would be a more medival oder futuristic background. The former seemed more likely. But i then if you really think about it, it is a horrible story about an exploited woman being kept and used by powerful people (mostly men) and a woman who endured horendous pain and terror. It felt like the author wanted the protagonist to seem brave and strong, but and the end it was just sad, as she was manipulated and endured all the terror that was put upon here.
But I could actually live with that if she would at least, in the last arc , freed herself from the shackles or be freed. Nothing was the case here. She is being shift to the "enemy/friend" camp and manipulated, exploited and used there. The worst part is though that she is not that reppelled as she should be. Hawke - being the worst character - betrayed her. After finding that out she stabbes him, but then sleeps with him - again?? And i wasnt sure if it was consensual or not - which seemed unlikely or completely weird. She was under the influnece of his blood or him drinking her blood?? And aroused by that. It felt like as if the author wanted us to understand that she is conflicted but this was just right out stupid. I lost every ounce of respect for the male protagonist and i dont even know what to think of poppy anymore.
This not the kind of plot i wanted to read and i felt uncomfortable reading it. I read the part so many times and thought there would mabye a passage i missed that would explain all that. As a woman i felt confused and uncomfortable.
I wished the Author would have done the character more justice. She started with a good base but now i feel like it turned into another vampyr /werewolf and predator and prey story. And i seriously not feeling it. It is nothing in comparison to Crescent City (the series i just finished before taking on the book)