XxJustARandomWeirdoxX’s Friends



  • 24 years
  • German
  • 7 Books
  • 69

sorry wenn in meinen büchern etwas zu viele rechtschreibfehler sind. ich spiele sehr gerne xbox 360, was nicht heißt das ich sie der ps 3 bevorzuge. am liebsten spiele ich: gta5,halo,mine craft,cod,lol,destiny,lollipop chainsaw und skyrim. ansonsten bin ich einfach nur ein japan vernatiker ^^'eigentlich lese ich... Read more...



  • English
  • 1 Book
  • 3

Okay, so lets update this thing...   Hmmm My name is Thaliyah - Tuh-li-yah... I love cooking/baking just as much as I love eating it hahahaha I love Mexican food esspecially hot food so if you can't handle it you know where the exit button is XD I'm just kidding.. maybe.. probably... that's up to you... Read more...

Baby Nine

Baby Nine

  • English

Iykyk's my BSF <3

Alex goth queen

Alex goth queen

  • English
  • 5 Books
  • 10

I'm a anime lover.  I love to read comic books. I love to read about vampire books and werewolf books. I love to make new friends! I’m kinda crazy but don’t judge me! I’m a great friend to be! I’m taken by the love of my life! And no one will steal him away from me! 

Ag Real

Ag Real

  • English

ADD my book Xander Taks check me out there!!!!!

Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn

  • 32 years
  • English

Hello, I'm Harley Quinn and I'm 27 years old.  My favorite colors are blue, red, and pink. I really love 50s music. I really love paranormal stuff. If you're going to go a little crazy, you may as well sit back and enjoy the ride! 



  • 22 years
  • English
  • 2

Baby Nine my bsf   from Florida ♥   just pray for everything going on smh   #ican'tbreathe



  • 22 years
  • English

Hiya, nice of you to come onto my page and lurk! ;-D    I'm just a young adult trying to find a way into this godforsaken world!    DON'T BE SHY, FR ME, I PROMISE I DON'T BITE! ;)

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