David8’s Friends
Blood Rose
- English
- 2
The voice of a ballerina breathes life into a vampire. Opposite worlds collide and connect more than they should. Here’s a tale of a love triangle, family drama, death, revenge, and a new found home.
Judah Collins
- English
- 6 Books
- 5
Hello and welcome to my profile. My name is Taylor, and I will be writing and selling books. I'm currently working on my first ever choose-a-path story called Flower's Stalker. It's genre is a thriller book. I hope everyone enjoys my books, and I hope to have my choose-a-path story out soon. Happy reading and writing everyone :)
- English
- 3 Books
- 55
When I have time from school work I love to read books. I like books that keep me wondering about what is going to happen next. Three of my favorite authors are Anna Windsor, Zane, and Geneva Holiday. Most people don’t understand the books written by these authors because they do not really read them. I love... Read more...
Mubangizi Emmy
- English
I was born in Mbarara, Western Uganda. My grandfather introduced me to reading at an early age, and by age 12, I had decided I would be a writer. I love watching the vastness of lakes and the ocean, and I love reading contemporary fiction.