Kaleb Johnson’s Friends
- English
- 2 Books
- 40
Hello There! I am a little crazy messed up girl . I am a very interesting person to say the least .So pm sometime if your bored. I am Lego crazy .
- English
I am an Indian girl who likes to play football and basketball but nothing matters when it comes to books. I love reading books. Dark or dark romance are my fav. genre. My fav. author is Pepper Winters. I have read her every single book.
- 23 years
- English
I'm a 14 year old girl who loves wolves and action movies I am a tomboy in every way possible
- English
- 3 Books
- 39
My Name Is Dannielle...... I love to read, write and sing. I enjoy reading romance novels and also writing them
- 28 years
- English
- 46
I like to read. I guess I'm kind of weird but in a good way. I can be socially awkward sometimes. I love to write & I'm really passionate about my writings. I'm not the best writer but I'm decent. I also like to live my life drama free as possible. If you'd like to know more just ask .
BS Murthy
- 76 years
- English
- 28 Books
- 17
BS Murthy is an Indian novelist, playwright, short story, non-fiction 'n articles writer, translator, a 'little' thinker and a budding philosopher in ‘Addendum to Evolution: Origins of the World by Eastern Speculative Philosophy’ that was originally published in The Examined Life On-Line Philosophy Journal, Vol.... Read more...