So today is the day my best friend got put down I loved him more than anything and I wish he was still here he got me through my dad's passing and 7th 8th and 9th grade and he passed away early my tenth grade year I cry because I can no longer go outside and see him sitting there and I wont see him waiting at my bus stop anymore waiting for me to come back from school so he can walk me home. My dog Tank was my best friend and... Show more
he is gorgeous in every way possible like god damnit I wish I could kiss him so bad I want him so much it hurts ugggh!!!!!!!!
when you get giant butterflies because your excited but scared because you want him to come to the park with you but you don't know if he'll ditch and its afterschool when your supposed to go with him but its first period and your secretly flippin out, but whatever I know he likes me and I like him I just hope he starts acting normal and talks to me soon
he didn't go
im back bitches anybody miss me probably not
Somebody's gotta wear a pretty skirt. Somebody's gotta be the one to flirt. Somebody's gotta wanna hold his hand. So God made girls. Somebody's gotta make him get dressed up. Give him a reason to wash that truck. Somebody's gotta teach him how to dance
So God made girls.
Hey everyone I don't think I have posted in awhile so heres another post you all are probably going to ignore but whatever I try that's all that matters, anyways I want to make a page but don't know how can ya'll help me out plzzzzz
Well im guessing that I did something wrong because I went from 79 friends to 66 sooo im guessing I might have posted the wrong thing or something I wouldn't remember so if I offended you im sowwy
Awww omg *eyes fill with tears *
yeah that was a while back but yeah I miss him
awwww bless you i hope your ok
thanks I am he was the only thing I had left of my dad
Oh awwwww sweet